ERP-systems implementation
For effective automation of your business ALGARYTM offers services for implementation of enterprise resource management system based on modern software solutions. As a result, you get a comprehensive information system, transparency of business processes and ensure timely management and financial decisions.
Implementation of maintenance and repair systems
The use of automated maintenance and repair management systems (MRO) allows you to improve the efficiency of asset management and reduce the cost of repairs and downtime. ALGARYTM offers to automate the management of equipment maintenance and repair by organising the interaction of technical, financial and economic services in a single information system based on the MRO information system product.
Warehouse logistics
To minimise the impact of the human factor, increase speed, productivity and quality of customer service with less staff ALGARYTM offers the implementation of a complete warehouse management system. The solution we offer has a wide range of functionalities and will allow you to automate all business processes in the warehouse.
Procurement management
Procurement management automation is one of the key tools for organising efficient work and production processes of a company. Operational efficiency of interaction with suppliers, quick re-sourcing, transparency of the supply chain - all this directly affects the cost and quality of the final product.
Document Management
In order to increase the speed of internal and external communication of the company and minimise the influence of human factor in document management, ALGARYTM offers to automate document management on the basis of modern ECM solutions. The system will allow you not only to minimise standard paper procedures, but also to optimise business processes and bring the company's work to a new level.
Improving the performance of systems
ALGARTM offers a full cycle of services to optimise the performance of configurations of various information systems for Kazakhstan and their fine-tuning for specific business processes of the enterprise. We will find bottlenecks in the system and eliminate the causes of low performance quickly and, no less importantly, comfortably for all departments of the company.
Outstaffing of specialists
In order to accelerate project implementation and reduce financial costs for development teams, ALGARYTM offers services of providing developers under the outstaffing model. We are ready to work in different formats: full-time, task-based development and project-based development. You get at your disposal a professional team with experience of working on large projects in various industries.
Service and support
ALGARTYM offers comprehensive service and support for production solutions, infrastructure and IT systems. Our specialists will ensure sustainable operation of the infrastructure and reduce the total cost of ownership of the systems.